Bryan Callan Goes On Joe Rogan And Explains How The Elites Are Laundering Money Through Mega Real Estate Deals

Recently on the Dogwalk Snake Draft we drafted things we don't understand. That could've been a 24 hour draft. WSD took "money" and Eddie took "how there are so many residential buildings?". Both great picks and I was kind of sort of directionally correct with my answer to Eddie

Bryan Callan explained it WAY better. The answer is that it is ALL a scam. A giant fucking scam. Nobody is living in these buildings. The investor class just funds these mega residential high rises for nobody to live in. Just billionaires from China, the Middle East, and nefarious institutions like BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard. They buy up these buildings and just list them as assets so they can clear their money and pump it into the stock market. It's a trick. These companies buy up single family homes now too and make the housing marking artificially expensive for regular middle class Americans to buy a home. It's bullshit. It also feels so complicated and so far down the road that there's no way to untangle or make it illegal without causing like a real estate crash. Especially because commercial real estate is also reportedly on the brink. 

Every day I see something that makes me think that we are all completely fucked. Bankrupted and poisoned with no real recourse. 

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